ProParts Green Sustainability
The green in our ProParts® Logo is not just a color. It is also how we feel about our environment. We understand that the very nature of our business uses energy and produces a lot of cardboard and shipping waste. ProParts Direct has made good efforts to try to reduce our impact on the environment.
What Steps are we Taking?
- 1. Reusing Packing Materials! The first step we are taking is to reuse packaging materials. What does that mean? When we receive orders, we will reuse and recycle things such as packing paper to protect your orders.
- 2. Less Waste! What we mean by that is sizing each individual order in the appropriate box to accompany the right amount of packing for its size. Don’t worry though, we are ensuring that each package is getting the correct protection needed to ensure it makes it to you safe and sound!
- 3. Thermal Shipping Labels! By using thermal printers for our shipping labels we are not only saving on ink but taking out the use of plastic cartridges.
- 4. Using Biodegradable parts bags! Our parts bags which are used to ship small parts inside of orders to make sure they don’t get lost are biodegradable and made in the USA.
- 5. Investment - We purchased a cardboard shredder specifically to turn incoming boxes into packaging material. We use 100% of our incoming boxes from the manufactures as packing material.
- 6. Electric Smart - in our offices and shipping areas we have installed motion sensors on all of our light switches to minimize when the lights are being used. We also have a policy in place to shut down computers that are idle for too long. reducing the energy we consume.
- 7. Constant Innovation - We are always reviewing our processes to see how we can become more efficient. On top of using recycled paper for invoices, we also created a new process that reduced over 13,000 sheets of paper a year.
While our efforts may seem small we hope they play a larger part to decrease our carbon footprint. Decreasing our carbon footprint is the first step we can take to help create a better tomorrow. We are reducing our impact of waste and trying to implement sustainable business practices.